Here is a report on the progress we have made so far: 
o Space Station 5000 is complete, and is currently being optimized for better performance. 
o N.U. Station is nearly complete
o Work on the A.R.E. Facility has begun
o Concepts for the Forest world have been made
o Valiant Weapons for the Galactic Faction kits are being created
1/23/2012 01:59:24 am

I would like to join the Nexus Project. No, I was not spammed to join. I have a PERFECT idea for a Castle-themed world. Here is a hotlink to the world ideas:

(This is a safe file-uploading place Kiwi6; No virus. promise)

I also have a model pack (most are models that are real LEGO models from Castle and Kingdoms but I have two: a bridge and a lookout fence, that are build by me. The fence isn't in the model pack)

Model Pack:



These are some models. I hope to make more soon!

Answer the Call. Save the Universe

1/23/2012 02:00:21 am

P.S: The model files are LDD so you will need to use LEGO Digital Designer to open them.



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